An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

'All is Safely Gathered In'...

Better LARGE!

No, not referring to the title of wonderful boxed 5CD set of everything Barclay James Harvest ever recorded...

But my washing!

When you don't have a washing machine and only hot water sporadically, you make the most of the latter in combination with a good day for drying outdoors.

As Stroller Supreme, I sure get through lots of socks!! Everything gets lobbed into the bath, along with me (!) and then much leg movement ensues - well, you have to make the most of what you have and not dwell on what you haven't...

Wet morning involved finally getting the editing of those photos of my friend Gary's Ticklish Allsorts Punch & Judy show, both from St George's Day and the May Day 'Fish Fest'. Editing is sheer pants, getting really monotonous very quickly and so am glad to have got that done. This is why I haven't attended to Blip very much today, I'm afraid. 

My neighbour, below me, has moved elephants in. Or he's running a marathon, on his ceiling. All knocks and bumps go right through the building and one's furniture. Been going on all day. Am counteracting (in a non-aggressive) by feeding my sore ears and jangled nerves with aural opiates in the form of Talking Heads,Talk Talk and Icehouse....

Oh, and I did nip out on the one station train trip out to Dean, to get this evening view eastwards. I'm in Wiltshire, but looking out to Hampshire.

Really feel the need for a LONG day out tomorrow. First train to Winchester (walk along Itchen and watermeadows and Catherine's Hill) looks like top contender.
Lens is Nikkor 10-24mm

Thanks to everybody - for everything!  I'm rather glad that I'm not doing another midnight moon Blip tonight - it's a cold one - close to freezing, apparently.


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