shiny things

By josh

josh gets political

before the wall of text, this is a radio collar that goes around a large bird's neck so we can find it later to determine mortality, for data to use in conservation programs.

I'll preface this political rant with this. For those of you who can vote (anywhere), please do. Take a hard look at the issues and how you feel about them and pick who YOU think is best. It's your duty to vote in who you feel best represents you. This isn't something to be taken lightly. No matter what country you live in, who you vote for will affect the world. now then.

i had never planned on making any of my blip texts political, but recently McCain and Palin have said some truly abhorrent things.

First: McCain has recently exclaimed that he doesn't give a shit about nuclear safety or the environment, brushing them off with a simple "blah blah blah". Really? Really? It's absolutely unbelievable.

Second: Palin has stated during a speech about, among other disorders, autism, that fruit fly research is a [url=]waste of money[/url], completely ignoring the fact that fruit fly research has DIRECTLY led to advances in understanding autism. How's that foot taste, Palin?

Third: I find the rest of their stances on the major issues just plain wrong. Gay marriage, abortion (Palin is scary here: even in cases of rape or incest, no abortions. period.), the environment (shooting wolves from helicopters, opening ANWAR to oil drilling, both Palin's, but McCain is all for lots of drilling), the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (McCain wants to stay for 100 years? damn.) among other things.

Sorry for being political, but these are issues important to me, especially those about scientific research funding and environmental issues. The fact that these two are so obviously off-base with these truly shocks me.

Obama has my vote.

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