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Coho Bon Voyage, Bowen Island

Today we headed on the bus to Horseshoe Bay and caught the ferry over to Bowen Island along with Frank, Richard and Fiona. Fiona is excellent at researching what's going on in the area and planning trips, and today she had us headed for the Salmon Hatchery for their Coho Bon Voyage festival. We learnt about Salmon, what they eat in the wild and then released a bucket of salmon fry each into the river to send them on their way. This blip is Richard releasing his bucket, very slowly into the river. There were some kids running backwards and forwards with buckets, literally dumping them in. We were tempted to write our names on the side of the tiny fish in magic marker so we can reclaim them when they're fully grown tasty salmon! But we settled with a long lunch at one of the nicest cafes I've been to since we came to Vancouver before walking back to the ferry terminal.

I'm now going to watch what I can of the Jubilee Flotilla but some of our unpaid-for-but-still-receiving cable channels have frozen which leaves us with what's available on BBC News 24, maybe we'll catch 30 seconds of coverage which will then be on repeat every 8 minutes for the next 4 hours.

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