Daily Pixels

By Pene

Extensions anonymous

Hi, my name is Pene and I'm a hair extension addict. I have now been without my extensions for 2 days.

I have had hair extensions for length and volume for best part of 10 years. I first tried extensions after a friend recommended them, saying that when she got them "it was the best day of her life". I had been going through a particularly hard time back then and decided to give them a go. ... And, well, what can I say, I never looked back. Long, luscious blonde hair did wonders for everything.

Anyway, that was then and this is now. I'm older, wiser and with different priorities. I wanted to break free from my addiction for several reasons - the financial ruin being only one. I want to look more natural and less mutton. I don't know if I've achieved that or even if looking like mutton was even an issue? It's beside the point, today I felt liberated, my hair is my own, as thin and wispy as it is, my scalp feels relieved and relaxed. And I no longer have to worry if people can 'tell' that I'm wearing extensions. I imagine this is how a man feels when he gives up his bad toupee and embraces his baldness. I am me and I have fine hair, I'm not saying I won't go back to extensions, I'm just taking it one day at a time.

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