Come into the Garden

By aprecious


A bit of a prayer....

Our father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name (& mine, of course...)
Thy Kingdom come, (will I be in it?) thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven (very occasionally!)
Give us this day our daily bread (even if it was pinched off a kitchen counter),
Forgive us our trespasses (how is a dog meant to resist a whole loaf of bread invitingly left on the side?)
And those who trespass against us (I have forgiven ap for taking it off me & shouting. She knows not what she does...)

Can I please still go to heaven? I couldn't help it. The loaf fell into my mouth....

I am going to try and blip more often but I know I will not be able to comment much... My days are very stretched. I will try and Pop in and see you all from time to time -thank you for your lovely welcome back!!

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