Here & There

By UncagedKiwi

Night Prowling in Christchurch

What a beautiful morning to wake to, typical of Canterbury "after the storm the day before". By noon it had turned NorWest again, blustery and warm, and made for a mild evening to go out night prowling.
A little disappointing I have to say, the city looks very dead at night, somehow even sadder than it does during the daylight hours. However I ended up in New Regent Street where there was a bit more light and colour. It is good to see the architecture of New Regent Street still intact after the earthquakes.
The Petersons Ltd sign is still there on the last building at the North end, a jewellery business that had been there for as long as I can remember. They have now moved to Merivale. The building itself is now occupied by a business called Auricle, advertised as a "wine and sound bar". We have all heard of wines being matched to food, but matched to sound?? ....well that's something new. More info here . I know it is only Wednesday night but there wasn't much happening in the bar! 
The extra image posted is a shot further down the street, and yes "Tempteur" is what you might think it is...I had no idea what I was photographing till after I got home. 

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