Nat's Travels

By natstravels

Cotswold Water Park

5.15am start and off with K to the Cotswold Water Park for the Women's Only sprint triathlon.

Having registered and racked our bikes we walked to the lake to check out the 750meter swim route. The water was 21 degrees and was steaming! You can't see all of the boats we had to swim round that's how far they were apart!

Was well pleased with my result, completed the swim in 21mins and did front crawl all the way, the 20km bike route I did in 43mins, 1min quicker than last month and the 5km run in 25mins, 2mins quicker than last month and my fastest ever 5km. In total 1hr 33mins and finished feeling good, well happy :)

Not sure how but I managed to find some energy to go to work for a 9hr shift which turned into a 11hr shift!

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