Restless Natives

Mrs Smith left pre-dawn for Londonshire, leaving me in charge. Ruby woke me up at 8am when it became apparent breakfast wasn't going to be forthcoming and she reminded me I had to get the twins ready and out to school while she had her Biology exam first thing.

As it turned out, Eve's laryngitis kept her off again today and I drove Joe in with Ruby.

Biology was the hardest exam so far apparently and now she has her head in books again ahead of English Literature tomorrow.

In between I'd tried to get stuck into two documents but calls about a client merging with a competitor encroached as did the needs of the patient. And then there's these two who can't decide whether they want to be in or out and change their mind every few minutes. In the end I took them for a walk and got into a conversation with Kung Fu Kev about the branding of a new offshore wind farm.

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