Sink or swim!

While the hubster took the two younger dogs a good afternoon plod, I took the old boy along the flatter terrain of the Moine Mhor (Big peatlands to you monoglot English speakers) Now in my yoof after we had done our stint lifting peats, we were then free to explore the peatlands with the only proviso we didn't disturb anyone else peats. So off we went winding our way in and out of bogs etc. Did we have nice fancy flat board walks like the above to guide us! did we chook! we knew what was shallow and what was deep bogs.
I wonder what the Dalriada ancients would think if they came back & saw their Moine Mhor a sunken bog of stagnant water!  they would have laughed their heads off at the posh walkway that keeps modern day North Face boots dry! In their day , they would have managed drainage, had some graizing land, some crop lands,  cut peats for warmth houses all around with plenty of wildlife. Now all wee see are flies, frogs and all manner of bugs! 
On the croft at home, nice green patches meant leaking septic tanks not nice juicy grass and we had a heck of a job keeping the townies from sinking up to their oxters in it.
Anyhow Sam & I wound our way all over the Moine without the need to step we gaily on the walkway and enjoyed our plod. 
If your'e worried you may sink or swim on the Moine then walk the broad walk lest you join the frogs !

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