
By arzubal

Great Storyteller

When my son started to learn reading,I bought Roald Dahl books for him. First,we started reading 'Giant Peach',then followed his other books. I read a few pages to him and then he continued reading. Since he likes drawing,the illustrations in the books got his attention so much. Because of Roald Dahl's books,my son got reading habit.
When he was in 3rd grade,their teacher made students exchange their books with their classmates. My son shared all his books except a few of them with his classmates. He enjoyed Dahl's books so much that he wanted to share them with his friends. At the end of that year because of my husband's job we had to move to another city. Before moving,my son gave his books to his classmates as a present. But he kept on reading other books by other authors.
This year,because of the high school entrance exams,my son has lost his interest in books. Then I found one of his books in English and I immediately bought it because I've also wanted to read 'Danny the Champion of the World' because I think it is both for children and adults.
To cut it short,he started reading it and I'm glad he is enjoying it.
Also a couple of years ago,we read 'Landlady ' with my students and they loved it. They were impressed by that story so much.
If you're interested,there is an online reading group,to which I sometimes contribute,and this week they are analysing 'Beware the Dog'by Dahl.
This is also my longest post. When it comes to books or reading,I always get so excited. I hope my son will never lose his interest in books.

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