Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

We now...

have the beginnings of a 'fire escape'  It occurred to Roy a few months ago that if for some reason we could not exit our house by the front door, we would have to climb over the back patio wall and drop down 2 metres to the ground.  Which at our age is not good.

So we applied to the Town Hall for a 'builders licence' and our friend John, who is a builder, drew up some plans, gave us an estimate and we got the permissions to go ahead and build the fire escape.

John started work today, and he brought his 'mate' along with him as labourer.  The combined ages of builder and labourer are 150 years.

An excellent day at golf today, 39 points, 2 shot cut, but I had a sublime front 9, back nine not as good, off out to celebrate.

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