last week...... laptop became erratic and with a mind of its own performed tasks at random quite at variance with my wishes!
Having watched far too many sci-fi movies where the machines  rebel and take over the world ,decided the place for it was an IT doctor (psychoanalyst ??)
Who set about probing its waywardness ; changing mother boards,widgets , gadgets etc and pronouncing...... after draining my pockets of all my loose change...... that it was terminally ill and a cure not to be found!!
What was I to do....blip days passing .and my mobile reception on a par with that of the Falkland Islands!
Made a foray to the library, pretending to read a book ,but the lady librarian fixed me with her steely gaze and I chickened out of sneaking through to the PC!!
So ;being poor as the church mouse ,nothing for it but to hot foot to PcWorld and  try my luck with a credit card!
And ,hey presto; not only did they press into my hands an all singing and dancing bright shiny new PC ,but did so with smiles and cheery waves goodbye!!
And the credit card just sailed through without a hitch !!
On my way home ;...... tickled pink (!!  :-) )  with the ease of gaining a new toy so easily . and mindful of a friend  in the shipping world who recounted an instance where to their astonishment, a chinese  gentleman paid £7million for a tanker by putting his Gold credit card in their machine......I saw this wee boatie at Greenock Pier!
And thought ,why not? Its worth a try!!!

They were very nice about it  and said that ,were they considering selling,they would let me know.......but perhaps my Visa Debit card was just a tad light for the job!

In hindsight. what would I need all those bedrooms for anyway ??


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