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By pplnani

A New Species?

I spotted this in open countryside as I was driving out of the village....I just had to get a shot before it got completely soaked in the rain that was just starting. I have tried very hard to identify it and the nearest I can get is the very rare Loststuffedparrotus Giganticus .........unless you know different ;-)))

Yesterday I had a letter from the DVLA saying that my photo driving licence needs renewing, so I have spent ages today trying to take a selfie that doesn't make me look like a haggard old witch or a deranged me, it's a big ask :-)) I have finally got something where I look partially human at least ( no, I definitely won't be blipping it), thanks to a little air-brushing but all in all it's been a very traumatic day...having to look at so many terrifying  pictures....hope I don't have nightmares tonight  ;-)))

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