
By Leiflife

Seeing Through A Lens (Roundly)

This is the picnic pavilion at the Inner Harbor Park. I have photographed it many, many times, but never blipped it. I have blipped various sections of the pier, which eventually winds up at the pavilion, but not the, so to speak, climax of the structure. The whole structure, including the start of the pier not far from the entrance to the park is beautifully designed to fit the curves of the land along the water, and the pavilion sits at the highest rise. For this shot, Music and I have followed the pier over the water along the edge of the land until the pier curves over the land moving toward the pavillion. We stand below the steps leading up to the charming roofed building that shelters picnics, parties, wedding receptions, baby showers...and the wise folk on lunch break that partake of their simple repast while gazing out at the water. They breathe in fresh air while enjoying the occasional appearance of herons, pelicans, birds, squirrels, and friendly dogs with their owners.

On this particular walk, I thought to try something slightly different...moving the dial from the usual manual to fisheye. Just to see what might happen... And I like it. I like this building very much just as it is, but it is interesting to see it dance. It almost appears to be taking off, ready to join the pelicans and herons in a soaring dance over water.

The distorted element rather suits my present state of being, as well. I am a bit off right now. Since my reclast injection on Tuesday (something I get yearly, hopefully to reverse the osteoporosis in my hip and spine), I have been suffering symptoms of the flu. Mostly aches and pains and exhaustion... But on Tuesday night I was awake all night, feeling invaded by the stuff that had dripped into my veins for half an hour earlier that day. My system seemed desperate to rid itself of "helpful medicine", so I was up and down to the bathroom. Not a restful night. Now the aching and weariness remain...and the blues.

Yet, it helped to post this lively building and its potential for flight. It reminds me that things can look different on different days. Feel different, too...

For extras I include a black & white of the pavilion, and a juvenile bluebird that perched on a branch nearby for my pleasure.

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