Nut Wars
We are currently at war with a rogue band of squirrels who constantly scale the pole of the feeding station and knock the bird feeders down and eat the seed and nuts.
I was at home this morning and could hear a tap, tap, tapping at the window. No, it wasn't Greta Garbo in a short nightie (showing my age now), it was the goddamn squirrels trying to get into the plastic tub of bird food on the table outside the window.
They didn't seem to care a jot at me knocking on the window. This one just carried on leaning nonchalantly against a trowel while his mate carried out the nut heist of the century.
Apparently this isn't the only nut based crime to happen around here. Two peanuts were walking down the street last night. One was a salted.
Boom Boom!
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