So annoying
I got caught on camera in a yellow box at a junction back in March. I didn't even realise I'd done it, and the original penalty charge notice showed me in the box but a car was emerging from the side road. I appealed the notice on the basis that I only stopped because a car pulled out.
Anyway, the appeal has been rejected, fair enough, but the letter says we have to pay within 14 days of the rejection notice in order to pay the reduced penalty. The notice is dated 21 April, but we received it on Tuesday (12 May) which is already 21 days after the date. We only have 28 days to pay before we get hit for an even higher charge, so now we're going to have to pay the higher charge and then try to challenge it retrospectively.
What a waste of £130 and what a waste of time. Bastards!
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