Fires are lit as the wind howls round the house and rain lashes upon the windows, I was out looking for a blip in my slippers with no coat on - madness I know!

All manner of flowers were bouncing around in the wind, certainly not a day for the fine stems of the salvia's but I was reasonably lucky to get a droplet on the autumn flowering camellia. With the addition of a vignette creating a warm glow on the stamens, I thought it was fitting for the wintry conditions of today.

Wellington has been getting a lashing with the weather, flooding and much disruption round the city, I hope all blippers families and friends are safe and warm.

Currently 10C, I have a beef hotpot cooking in the slow cooker, good comfort food, perhaps a night for tea in front of the TV.

Happy weekend to you all :)

Two challenges today, maymacromayhem hosted by Walking Wombat and flowerFriday hosted by BikerBear, warm thanks to you both :)

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