Just trying to survive

By NovaLovesFrogs

Bird and wind songs

The bird feeders belong to Nova. He spends most of the day visiting with the birds through the security door.

The wind chimes belong to myself and Nova. The little birds (including hummingbirds!) also like to play with the wind chimes. I think we may get another wind chime.

The purple finches just love the chimes. (Purple finches are suppsed to be rare around here, but my backyard is full of them.)

The mockingbirds have learned to imitate the way I whistle for Nova. If he isn't at the back door, the mockingbirds will whistle for him. Sometimes he'll go to them, unless he's snuggled up with me or watching Judge Judy. Or if they whistle for him with an urgency, because they do that when the pigeons are harassing them and the other small birds.

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