Wedding Dress
I've started the 4 new assignments for my online photography course...this time they're bespoke assignments to help me prepare for doing the photos at my step-daughter's wedding in September. My first assignment is using natural light, preferably a window to do 4 photos in monochrome...
Her wedding dress arrived at my house a few days ago and she's now seen it and is delighted with it...just hope it fits now! She's expecting her second child in a few weeks time so no chance to try it on yet...
I decided to take a photo of the dress...but can't show it all (for obvious reasons...don't want anyone else seeing it yet!) The full length photo is really nice and shows it off in the lovely soft backlighting...
Hopefully I will have a few monochrome portrait Blips over the next few weeks as I try and finish this first assignment...very exciting!
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