Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

The muse is with me...

.. I shall eat blossom.

This is the self-same tree which hosted the Massive Blackbird Kerfuffle earlier. Closer examination revealed Next-Door-But-One's Cat in waaay too close proximity to babies. I don't think there were casualties, but it was a close thing.
I know.
Catching birds is what cats do... :-/
I like cats.
And I like birds.
What can you do?

In other news I've put the denture fixative in the post for the elderly relative who forgot it from his shopping list. (£3.25, and that's not the polygrip (other brands are available), that's just the postage! Still, I'm sure it's worth every penny and was a darn sight cheaper than the petrol it might have cost for me to physically go and take it).

I don't look forward to the tooth glue years.
But, I suppose it (marginally) beats the alternative..?


It's FRIDAY :-)
The red wine forecast is 'imminent'...
But I must finish the ironing first.

Happy Friday one and all :-)

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