Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

11 years of parenting

So that's it, Ive now been a parent for 11 years.
Also celebrating the end of SATs week. Amen to that

As E is my first born, every time she has a birthday I try to remember what I did for my own birthday at the same age....

We ended up on holiday for my 11th birthday. It hadn't been planned that way, but it had been a prize won during a Haven holiday in the Summer. My older brother and I took a break from watching the in house wrestling and entered a talent competition doing a made up Rock n Roll dance routine to Johnny B Goode. Surprisingly we won and were invited back in the October for the finals. (which we didn't win). Free holiday, yay!

Unbeknown to me before winning the competition, my parents had secretly got me tickets to see a brand new musical of my favourite film 'Grease' . Shane McClachlan from Neighbours played Danny and Shane Ritchie was Kennicky. What would have been a quick trip from MK to London, became a mammoth journey from somewhere like Scarborough to London. Worth it though. Loved that my parents did that for me.... E's getting a sleepover for her birthday, no trains or lycra needed

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