Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Big walk for Dad

Dad goes for a walk most days usually its around 10 minutes out the front door down and up the street and in the back door. I am always offering to take him out for a longer walk - he very rarely accepts the offer.

Today I took him to Bottoms Reservoir in Longdendale and to be honest it was plan B rather than plan A - Plan A was abandoned when I saw the stationary traffic on the A628.

So the first part of this walk is less attractive over rough ground and rather too many dogs and associated issues !

Dad accepted that it would be worth the effort and asked if we could make it a circular walk (a life long obession!) rather than returning the same way.

He did really well after some reassurance about distances and percentage of walk completed etc.  we made it to the dam wall and he was thrilled with the view of a great expanse of water and the hills beyond.

We made it back with no mishaps and he enjoyed his evening meal but does seem very tired this evening.  After all it was a big walk.

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