
By Hayls

You're history!

In defiance of the lurgy, of which I am heavily laden, hubby, the boys and I went out into the sun to bag another castle. Castle Campbell in Dollar this time. Nestled high up in the Ochil Hills, it sits in the middle of two very dramatic burns - the Burn of Care and the Burn of Sorrow. Explored the ruins, had a lovely picnic which kept sliding off the awkwardly angled picnic table, meandered down one of the burns and then forced hubby to go back up to the top to collect the car and pick us up. Then on to Alloa Tower, in...erm...Alloa.

Alloa Tower lacks the dramatic setting of Castle Campbell but has a bit more to look at inside, including the poor unfortunate blipped here in the dungeons. Weirdly the boys were more than happy to gaze upon old bony here, but at the first sign of a mannequin they're falling over each other to get to the door. I kinda get where they're coming from.

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