People on a Bridge

By zerohour

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Of all of the service-learning classes I had the pleasure to observe this semester, this class (Leadership Something-Something) impressed me most. The students proposed and implemented fundraisers for the Catch-A-Dream Foundation which organizes (and pays for) wilderness adventures for children with life-threatening illnesses. They organized a 5K run and a month-long "round up at the register" initiatives at the local businesses. 

After their final presentation, the students discussed the challenges and difficulties in pulling it all off as a class, small teams, and individuals. We talked about the leadership principles they studied from the book, and how that theory worked when applied in real life, with real people. It was very clear, that the students truly internalized the ideas presented to them, and were empowered by pulling off the fundraising efforts.

Above - the Case Manager from Catch-A-Dream. He is the one who organizes each and every trip (over 500 to date, for children in 45 states and Canada). 

Disclaimer: I don't hunt or fish. BUT: I have organized things before, as a team member, and a team leader. It's hard. :-)

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