Journey Through Time

By Sue

Guard Cat

We went to see my folks down in Corvallis today.  We had a nice visit with them, lunch out and a brief drive around town.  When we left their place, we spotted this cat sitting in the middle of this driveway, looking like he was guarding the road.  He/she was quite far away, but I think he turned out okay and this amused me so much...that this is the blip.(and even tho it looks like he only has one front leg, I do think another one is hidden by his fluffy tail.)  I rather liked the off set crop, if I do say so myself.  Which I do.  Anyway, you may see all 15 photos here, if you want.  Some flowers from their yard, some scenes around the area and then a few city shots coming into Portland.  We stopped at an AM/PM place right before we were to get on the I-5 freeway back to Portland, and there is a huge field there, which is where I got one photo of a distant barn and the coast mountains in the background.  Well, we saw about three eagles flying around over the field, hunting mice, I suppose.  Or hunting something.  They flew away from us, and I couldn't get a picture of them.  They headed for some distant trees and landed in them.  I was amazed, as I usually am when I see eagles. I've never seen them like that, just cruising over farmlands.  Quite a sight.

I hope you like this kitty.   See ya soon.

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