
By Bundle

Hairdressing salon, SW1

Today was spent at the Design Exhibition 1948-2012 at the V&A in London. It's a great exhibition ranging from the Festival of Britain (the South Bank was as exciting then as now) to the development of the Garden City (beautiful design, what happened to Harlow?) to fashion (how I wish I'd been a fashion designer), to film (Antonioni - did we really see this at the cinema in the sixties?), to pop video (never mind the video, wow, what music! - V&A choice included, The Specials, The Pet Shop Boys and of course Bowie and The Beatles amongst others), to engineering (my longest love affair - Concorde), and plenty plenty more... The layout's a bit chaotic but it's all so exciting it doesn't really matter.

Strolling through SW1 afterwards I spotted these two patriotic mannequins in the window of a hairdressing salon (I toyed with using the word 'hairdressers' but that sounded a bit downmarket for this place) - rather strangely in the photograph only they came out, all the rest is reflection, as you can tell from the partial self portrait...

I have quickly backblipped the last fortnight in an attempt to catch up but also in an attempt to be topical, to blip something of relevance to one small aspect of the current state of the nation...

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