That London

It's been a very pleasant day actually. Lie in, a few jobs, left a (little) list of further jobs and caught the train to London to see Marie in residence at one of their finest hospitals. Admired the increasingly fat and chubby baby, sleeping deeply and calmly with the help of good drugs and a ventilator, ushered Marie out of her institutionalised state and dragged her out for a very nice lunch. Unknowingly I selected the garlic options with a smattering of advertised mussels and gnocchi. It was all very tasty but I feel a bit sorry for the lady sitting next to me on the train now, I may stink.

Anyway, the baby is doing well, thank you for your good wishes. We (Marie and me, not the baby and me, she remained asleep) had some good chats, it's been a sunny day and I wonder why we don't spend more time in London. Some day trips coming up I think, what should we do first? (I will bring the children next time....)

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