Garden fun

Within minutes of arriving at Nanna and Grandad's house, straight from a 'blip meet' with Galloping Gran and KJD, this was the scene in the garden. GravyC was tasked with attaching a new rope to the tyre swing, and ZQ took it upon himself to clear the tyre of 'winter sludge'. Noo and Nanna raked up the sludge while I kept Grandad company on the bench in the sun!!

It has been a busy day. I have been at work this morning, and GravyC took the boys to 'help' with the beginner running group at the leisure centre. We regrouped at home and made our way to a secret meeting with GG (KJD and I had been plotting behind her back for a little while). We had a lovely hour eating cake and chatting - we might even do it again some time!!??

The boys have now expended some energy in the garden - Noo is having a Clangers story, and ZQ is watching TV (and eating - his favourite pastime!)

I'm entertaining myself by watching GravyC read to Noo and fall asleep mid sentence time and time again.........;-)

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