Arrakis Native

By ArrakisNative


This was my first time to a Xenos church, that wasn't at someone's home. The message was on the Biblical relationship to politics. Some points were that there is a lot of Biblical evidence for a need of separation between Church and State. We as Christians are encouraged to follow the government and not rebel against it. We are also told by the Bible that if the government is not following the "Natural Order", set by the Humanist and Deist forefathers, we have a moral obligation to rebel and fight the government. This prevents terrible rulers(G.W. Bush), and their supporters (Right wing evangelicals) from using the Bible to defend the actions of the Government and the leader. Also, no Christians think abortion is a good thing, but there are a lot of Christians that differ on the Pro-Life / Pro-Choice issue, and the answer lies between each Christian and God. Lastly, one issue voting is deemed by the Bible to be highly irresponsible. We are supposed to encourage the Government to uphold the Natural Order, and if our decisions are only on one topic for why someone should be in power, we are negligent in our Christian duty.

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