Simeon in the Flower Pot

Seems that Simeon moved in to our deck while we were away on vacation. Our wonderful friend Sue was house sitting. Our kitties look so healthy and well cared for. The house looks good too. So thank you Sue.

Simeon is the neighbor's cat. I notice he is now sporting a flea collar. I know they care for and feed him. Still, he does love to come up on our deck. First of all, there are all those little meals on wings that happen by. Luckily he doesn't seem to catch any. In fact I noticed yesterday as he snoozed on the deck under the feeder, that the birds came and went with very little notice from him. So it seems they have formed a truce.

We went to the Farmer's Market today and picked up our fish from the Wild Fish Wives. We signed up for a CSA (community supported agriculture) with them so we get flash frozen wild salmon and other kinds of fish (cod this time) from them every month until late fall. We picked up two months worth today since we were away for April's delivery. I was just able to squeeze the fish into our freezer today. Tonight we eat salmon. Yum! Last year we just bought from them at the market. Their fish is really great so we decided to do the CSA this year.

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