
By Sproutling

Hiding a beachball anyone?

33 weeks 1 day

she has a) eaten too many cornish pasties b) or she is hiding a beachball,
Either way yes parent 1 is large, but rest assured there is only one me in here, there is 7 ish weeks to go till I arrive, yes she is really only 33 weeks pregnant and yes she does know the sex of me,
Is there really any need for the 20 questions?! Parent 1 & 2 were ready to throttle the next one to ask any of the above questions or make a daft comment as she waddled round today!!
If you see a large pregnant women and feel the urge to ask how long she has left, please after just say, aww are you excited etc, not OMG YOUR HUGE, and look on in horror, like we are about to go *POP* in front of your eyes,
because you never quite know how a) it may make pregnant women feel, or b) or what flying object may land in your direction in 3...2...1....!!!!

Rant Over!! Parent 1 would also like to inform the makers of pregnancy clothing to make allowances for tummy growth as this dress is getting shorter and shorter up the front whilst the back stays long as we grow! Her dignity really has gone out the window fully now!

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