Just coz it caught my eye.

She who must be obeyed becomes another year older tomorrow - and I become more of a Toy-boy until August when I catch up slightly.
By tradition, the four of us go for a meal sometime during the week of one's Birthday. Fairly nicely spread Jan - May - Aug -  Nov.
As a loose, flexibly, rule the incumbent has pick of venue.Today's venue was "Indian" Link works, Destination changed :¬(
Most of the lads there are of the correct hue, and sub-continent, but not all can lay claim to the correct nationality.
I get on particularly well with one of the co-owners and we have a standing joke as to whether or not he's been playing soccer lately
It befell thusly:-
One day, during a "fag-break" on the Shop step, he past me and we exchanged pleasantries, as we always do.
By this time I knew what I "could get away with" and asked him if he had a "Sun-tan". To which he replied ...
"Yup, I've been playing a lot of Soccer in the sun."

I know it's hellish naive, but it had never occurred to me how much a none white bloke could change colour with the Sun. It amused him greatly and became a standing joke between Sufian & I.
Hoping I have the spelling correct.

BTW I spotted this reflected in the window across the road from where we sat.

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