My Birthday- 1958

Dear Diary,

Awhile back I wrote about misplacing the little book my grandmother gave me for my 9th birthday in 1958.  I recently found it and thought I would make a collage of it and my birthday photo to celebrate today's birthday.

The book, A Little Maid of Ticonderoga, was a favorite of mine and we read it together.  I really think it was what got me fascinated with history.  I re-read it this week for the first time in decades.  The story takes place in the town of Ticonderoga on the banks of Lake George in upstate New York...the town I was born in on this day way back in 1949.  Seeing my grandmother's inscription brought a tear to my eye.

My friend Elaine and I will go out this morning to plant her grave for Memorial Day and I will thank her for that book and all that she meant to me growing up. I've been tending her grave for 27 years and it is a yearly ritual that I look forward to.

Funny how an old book can open up the floodgates of memory....

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