Fernwood 2Night

Our ferns came back.  They were so beat to hell from the dogs playing in them that  I cut them to the ground last Fall.  (best in large)

Fernwood 2Night was a talk show satire starring Martin Mull and Fred Willard.  It came on the air in 1977  on a station called Channel 53, a low rent UHF channel  that was  a junkyard of cheap licensed television. 
Martin Mull was brilliant as Barth Gimble, the twin brother of Garth Gimble, a caddish character Mull portrayed on Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman.  His announcer/side-kick was Jerry Hubbard. played by Fred Willard. 
The core cast was rounded out by their dour band leader, “Happy” Kyne” (Frank De Vol) and his “Mirthmakers.”

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