
Ever since Gerrard announced his departure at the end of the season I've known what I was going to blip today.  I know this photo breaks the blip rules because I didn't take it today but many years ago, on that historic night in Istanbul.  But it's worth breaking the rules for.  
[The last photo in the 'extra photos' is so blurry because the stand was actually moving as people jumped up and down.  I'm amazed it stayed upright]

We fluked tickets.  A flight out from Manchester airport, and a combination of buses and taxis got us first into Istanbul and then out to the Ataturk Stadium.  The seats were great.  The first half was a horror show.  We thought about leaving, but didn't.  And then it all changed.  

I don't think I've ever seen a more complete player than Gerrard.  I'm biased of course.  But he had it all.  

So, to somebody I've never met and probably never will, thanks for the memories.  And especially for that night in Istanbul.  

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