Lily of the valley

Today's the day ........................ for the essence of May

These lilies-of-the-valley used to grow in my Mum's garden in Edinburgh.

When she eventually went to live in a Nursing Home, we dug some up and put them in a pot - and she had them on the window sill of her room there.  When she died, we brought them down to our garden in Kendal and planted them in the rockery.  And when they come into flower at this time of the year, they always make me think of her.

The distinctive scent of lily of the valley, has inspired perfumiers for centuries. It is a British native - the 16th-century Gerard's Herbal  describes it as growing 'on Hampsted Heath, foure miles from London, in great abundance'.  Its Latin name is Convallaria majalis - with the second part a reference to the fact that it flowers in May.

A slight note of caution though, apparently all parts of the plant are highly poisonous, including the red berries which may be attractive to children .......................

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