Oh give her a kiss!!!

Another fanblipulous day!
Caught the steam train up to Haworth with fellow blippers JaneM, Mindseye and her hub - oh my days… what another fun one!
Smiles everywhere! :) )))
This lovely couple were sat outside the 'Apothecary' shop in Haworth.
"Hello, please could we take your photo??"
"Of course"
"Oh I bet you've had your photo taken loads today!!!"
"Er no actually!"
"Oh… well let us help there!"
"Go on.. give her a kiss?"
"Ha ha ha ha - I've only just met her!!!"

My extra is an 'ever such a bit bonkers lady' who we met whilst heading for tea and cake…. 
She said to us…
"Would you like me to lie down under the lorry for you???"
"Ha ha ha …. oh go on then!"

Love Haworth 1940s weekend… you probably know that! :) x

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