Cute coot

I'm not really blipping the coot because he/she's cute but because we had a funny chicken today.

Following the sudden death of another one of our chickens a few weeks ago, one chicken took ill and we expected her to die too. She sat, breathing heavily and not moving for over a week. Every morning and every evening, I expected to find another dead chicken. I fed her bread soaked in water but nothing would get her to move.

Today, Elbows, Eldest and I thought we should move her whatever her distress. But with immense hilarity, we've realised she's not ill, she's as strong as an ox and broody. She was so cross with us. She squawked and squawked and basically had a hissy fit.

We took her off her empty nest. The coot in the picture though has a wonderful batch underneath which I saw because I saw the parents swap shifts.

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