Lala's Journal

By Lala


For someone that's not a gardener at all I seem to have amassed quite a few plants that I want to take with me when I move.

As usual for me, each one has some sort of emotional tie. There's the 5 ft Camellia that my colleagues gave me when my sister died. An Olive tree given after a dear friend died, by his daughters. The Arum Lily grabbed from Mum's garden last year which I have put on the right side of the frame. I was surprised this survived, but here it is already in
Flower. Also from Mum's garden, the Julia Rose: my sister's name was Julia and after she died Mum bought 2 of these roses. Both my brother and I refused her offer to buy for us too, but how could we leave Mum's behind? We took one each and I hope that I can keep it at least for one more year!

There are still more in the front garden, a rose called Sweet Dreams that was planted in a pot into which we scattered some of my mother in laws ashes. I am hoping to also take cuttings form the Forsythia from my childhood home, ditto a Maidenhair Fern.

And I thought I didn't like gardening!

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