a low energy, early evening blip.
I've been writing official documents today, which I don't find fun. We should have been out having fun.
After finishing this evening I quickly visited the garden and despite a bit of late evening sunshine which has perked me up, my blipping is still in a bit of a rut.
Of my pictures, I prefer this one of Bomble, who had just finished climbing the rhus tree and digging his claws into the bark. From the top of the tree, he managed to jump onto the fence and then reach the roof of the neighbour's shed, from the far side of which he could look down on another group of bird feeders. I could tell from his twitching that there were some birds, probably the tits who have no fear.
As he came back towards me, he stopped for a swift sniff and it was the backlit conditions that I like now.
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