
By tookie


Protests against drilling in arctic waters have been going on these past few days in Seattle.  On the 16th there were many many kayakers out in the waters in lines linking arms to say NO to shell's planned arctic drilling. Today marchers gathered and went to where the large shell oil rig has docked in the Seattle port. 

Big R and I participated along with a friend R had worked with. The collage has but a few of the shots I took giving the flavor of the very peaceful march...many signs were carried.  I posted the Love Your Planet one at the top and Climate Justice in the middle because they say so much. I loved the one speaking to our solidarity with the Arctic native peoples too who have long been saying NO to drilling these waters. 

Without saying NO to climate changes and all man made destruction we are saying no to life itself.  We both felt it was time to actively "speak" my knees could now do the walk!

extra shots are Big R at protest, the monster rig, the march

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