Postcard from Christchurch

This afternoon I had my first appointment with the Speech Therapist. Over the past three days my voice was starting to return to just about normal. But today it took a down turn and I could hardly speech at all. Just as well I didn't cancel my appointment.

It was interesting with the exercises I have to do and there well some the Therapist said not to do has it was too much of a stain on my voice. She said the Specialist seem to think the trouble is coming from my neck. My neck used to cause me a lot of trouble but has been good over the past few years. So who really knows what's going on!

On my walk to the hospital it was really sunny and warm.. as you can see in my first extra shot. By the time I left the hospital it had clouded over and was much cooler. As I was walking around the city on my way home, the sun started to come out again as you can see in a couple of shots.

I didn't find too much change in the city today apart from some buildings haven grown and gained a few windows. A building in Cathedral Square I noticed they had just working on it.. not too sure at this stage if it is a repair or it is going to be demolished.

If you look closely at the shot top right.. the tall building you can see on the right hand side in the background was the Police Station building. They have moved to new temporary premises and that building is going to be brought down by implosion on the last Sunday of May at 8am.

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