Cat Ostrophic

This is not about anyone of Irish descent. The tail of two cats. Boogle was very sore this morning and was walking not quite right and when Marie picked him up it hurt him. I thought at first he may have been poisoned. Marie got him into Marney the Vet as quick as the Inland Revenue gathering money which is faster than light speed. Poor Boogle had a huge wound that was infected and some of the skin around it was starting to rot. We picked him up after work tonight and he has had a bit of a shave and a lot of stitches. At first it was thought he may have been fighting but the size of the injury looks more likely he has been caught on a fence of something sharp. Boogle is resting by the log burner now and has a little to eat. I had to go out to Pleasant Point to help a lady get her cat out of a stormwater main this morning, I lifted the grate and the Cat and Lady were reunited. She and her Husband were out at midnight trying to lift the sump grate up to rescue Puss such is the bond between pet lovers. This is St Johns Church in Pleasant Point

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