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By pplnani

Sunshine and Showers

The weather is soooo bizarre today ....grey and rainy, then sun and blue sky....... then darker grey and very heavy rain........more sun and blue sky.......near darkness and a massive hail storm.......lovely sun and blue sky, all changing at the drop of a hat, and as I type it looks as though it's clouding over for another go at the wet stuff......goodness knows what it will chuck on us this time!!!
Fortunately I didn't have to go out today and I didn't dare brave a walk for fear of being knocked unconscious by hail or washed away in a deluge, so I just nipped into the garden to catch the sun in a drippy sums up the day quite well ;-))

Thank you to everyone who gave their opinion on my 'Clouds' photos yesterday, it was really helpful, I have submitted the one in the bottom left corner and I will find out what everyone at the group thinks of it on Friday :-))

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