Rolling in the right place

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I slowly made my way down the hazel hedge, looking at every leaf, with my macro eyes with the macro lens & was so happy to see this chap, he's a Hazel Leaf-roller Weevil - the word "roller" because the females roll their eggs in the hazel leaves - clever! I saw them last year but never took a keen interest, but now I have this lens & yes, it was windy, but the lens helps, it's precise, so I spent a long time watching him/her crawl along this hazel leaf in the sunshine. People say you need patience for wildlife photography, but I say, no, you need passion for the subject, the patience comes naturally! :)

As for Larry, no patience needed, just call his name & he's there:

I'm talking to you!

Long day spent sorting out things & then gardening. I felt my mum everywhere, she followed myself & my dad, sat in the sun, watched us work hard (she did that anyway!), had a few wobbles, a few tears. Just back from a walk across the fields, heard a barn owl, saw a few bats, heard many robins singing in the hedgerows, always the last bird to sing. Rain now forecast. *sighs* xxxx

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