
By backwoodsman

I always wanted.......

....a Chilean Flame tree :and now I have one :-))
Why??  Because this is its flower and it is covered in them!
The downside is that it sends out roots that send up countless suckers and I have spent several days backbreaking work clearing the flower border of its clones!
And in their place have put plants......which has amused my neighbours no end!
Because they all have tried in their time to outwit the deer: to no avail!!

And heres the new boy thinking he can do better!

So,on to the internet,off to the library,talk to the gardeners at the Younger Botanic Gardens, and at Kew! 
And have a list of  deer resistant plants!
And give it a try!! :-)
And one of us is going to have egg on their face!

Sadly;I have a sneaking feeling its going to be me !!!:-(

Will let you know !!  :-D

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