Grandpont Nature Park – 8.00 on 19 May 2015

2 hours 54 minutes after sunrise.
Week 20

The series
A gorgeous bright morning which was much, much colder than it looks. The striking thing this morning was birdsong. I can’t identify birds but there were at least eight different songs going on. I just stood for a bit and listened - a lovely start to the day.
I’d wanted to get out and take another picture during the hail that was accurately forecast for later in the day but I didn’t make it. It would have been good to record May hail. The last time I remember it at this time of year was exactly a decade-less-two-days ago.
On last week’s blip sjb presciently asked about the grass being cut and here’s a bit of an answer.
I’ve been floored by a cold so am not looking at journals at the moment. Sorry.

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