My Love

One of my Loved ones in the garden is the Spiraea Arguta (in finnish Morsiusangervo). First flowers noticed today.

I felt so so so tired and had a slight headache afterworks today - I took a short rest on the sofa and then took Nikon and 56cm extension tubes and left to gargen.

And I got so many lovely shots, lovely sunny and warm +12c evening for closeups. I just had to add some extra photos here!

And the best thing was that the headache dissappeared by the photographing and fresh air - clearly this is so healthy hobby!


Ps additional note: In Eurovision Song Contest there was a punk-band called "Pertti Kurikan nimipäivät" from Finland. Disabled honest and nice guys. I am sorry as they did not pass into the final, but what a journey they have had this far - I am really happy for that!

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