
By TBay

Tractor Tuesday goes French!!

Well it had to be done!! 

Mr Tbay carefully selected this little tractor for the TT challenge this week.  It is  a Bobard 1096 Straddle vine tractor  manufactured by, yes you have it, Bobard!! Bobard are of course French and this Modle was brought out in 2004 so this would be about the same time the real tractor was maufactured. It is for use in vineyards for inter row fertilizing and spraying and the like. We did see something quite similar last week in our travels.

Much rushing about as usual. Mr Tbay had to arrange the purchase of a Waistcoat for the forth coming wedding first thing followed by a trip to the tractor dealers to pick up Mr Tbay Jnr, who had to take the broken tractor to them.

I went to my Hairdresser for a quite wash n chop. Think I look better!! Also managed to get the wedding Invitations ordered. Phew! it is very surprising just how long it takes to do these things.

Farming - Rust and one other on compost. Mr Tbay Jnr spent a large part of the day arranging the next week or so with regards to silaging. We will be up to our axles for a few days! Think we have managed to juggle it all. Time will tell.

This evening was spent with Miss Tbay and Fiance looking at vintage cars! What fun we had. The collection we looked at belongs to a very old freind who had quite a number of beautiful early models. Many are used for amongst other things Downton Abbey and Poirot!  I actually sat in the same seat as Hercule himself. The little grey cells were very excited about this!! A car had been booked and all will be revealed later in the year!!

It is now late and Mr Tbay has gone to bed and so must I, but not before I lock up the hen. Yes I did say hen, as whilst we were away in France the b********g  fox nipped in one afternoon and ate the other one. Oh and one of the rabbits died while we were away too. Hey ho.......

Good night blippers will get round to a few more comments tomorrow. I have nearly caught up!! 

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