Moving Into The Unknown

By dvdlodi


Calvin is a master craftsman who teaches a sculpture class at the college.  Specifically, Calvin has taught the "Wax to Bronze Sculpture" class for the last 16 years.  This is a rare opportunity for community college students to learn this art form from a highly skilled artist.  It is not typical that students at a community college would be exposed to this type of experience, and it's one of the reasons I love working where I do.  We strive to bring a well-rounded array of course to our students and one way that this is achieved is through our dedication to the arts and humanities.  It's not an exaggeration when I say the arts have helped save my life. I will always seek to find ways to keep this type of class offering alive and well.  Our students deserve this type of experience as much as any other student at any other college or university.

That's why I'm saddened to learn that Calvin will be moving on from the college (literally moving away from the area) and will not be teaching for us after this term.  My hope is that we are able to find a way to continue offering these unique and powerfully life-changing courses to our students.

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